DIY Microwavable Heat Packs
DIY Microwavable Heat Packs. Make your own homemade heat packs, including no-sew methods.
Homemade Smudge Sticks
Make your own Smudge Sticks
Slow Cooker Tips
Make the most of your slow cooker with these tips and hacks.
Keep the Kids Entertained
Keeping the kids entertained doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Here are some ideas to keep the kids entertained rather that just watching T.V. or playing video games.
Snowman Hat Craft
This snowman hat decoration can be made with any size can. For these ones we used large soup cans and cardboard for the brim.
Craft Supplies for Less
Most people think that making homemade gifts, arts, crafts and DIY projects would save money, but crafting supplies are actually quite expensive. Get your supplies for a good price and you can save on homemade items.